The Business of ePublishing

The Business of ePublishing

If you (or your clients) publish anything with a larger distribution than a church bulletin only in print, then your publication will be dead before the end of the decade. We are hip-deep in the largest shakeup in the publishing world since the Desktop Publishing Revolution of the 1980s. This book you’re now reading is part of a comprehensive educational system that covers the entire epublishing spectrum, from ebooks to fixed-layout picture books, from print-to-tablet digital replica publications to fully interactive tablet magazines, from periodicals to ecatalogs, and from ebooks to digital yearbooks. I say “comprehensive educational system” because this book is only the tip of the iceberg.

ePublishing with InDesign is not just a book but a full, ready-to-deploy epublishing curriculum. And it goes beyond that, as well.

Digital publishing is a wide and rapidly evolving set of industries. Some segments change so frequently that I had to take this book to self-published. The first edition, in 2012 and 2013, was published traditionally, through a major technical book publication house. Unfortunately for me and for my readers, that publisher couldn’t be nimble enough to publish this book the way it needed to be, as rapidly as it needed to be. By way of example is the fact that I proposed that first edition of the book in October 2011; it wasn’t published until December of the following year. I had wanted to publish chapter-at-a-time, putting each chapter out to be read and used as my editorial team and I finished it. The publisher didn’t know how to do that, so they held chapters for up to 12 months until every little bit was finished. By then, some information in early chapters was outdated.

In February of 2013 I self-published a chapter they publisher felt not important enough to include in the printed book. That chapter was

Creating Fixed-Layouts with InDesign , and it sold more copies than my previous two  traditionally published books.

That experience, my knowledge of how rapidly epublishing industries change, and the need readers like you have for frequently updated information cemented my belief that the only way to do epublishing education correctly was to self-publish on a rapid release schedule. Thus you now hold a book that was written not 3–6 months ago, then run through corporate layout departments backed up with dozens of other books. This book was written mere days before it went on sale. Some I published the day I finished laying them out in InDesign, with layout coming immediately after my editors and I finish text revisions.

In this way I can keep such mercurial topics like fixed-layout ebooks (Chapter 8) and the business of digital publishing (Chapter 4) fresh and relevant so that you can keep up with the latest mission-critical information about epublishing industries, formats, and workflows, and so that  you can consistently produce the most powerful, most  arketable epublications possible, using the most efficient and cost-effective methodologies available.

If keeping current is important to, watch the ePublishing with InDesign Series website at , or, better yet, get notifications of book updates and revisions sent to you by subscribing to the spam-free  ePublishing with InDesign Alerts email newsletter at

How This Book Is Organized

This book covers four overarching topic areas: the world and economics of epublishing, ebook creation, going beyond basic ebook creation, and rich-media interactive publications. Each section focuses on a different area of epublishing—from the business, market, devices, and formats of epublications; then going into ebooks; on to fixed-layout ebooks, fully interactive PDF epublications, and publishing books to print-on-demand, and; wrapping up with the area I’m most excited about, fully interactive periodicals, catalogs, and enhanced ebooks.

How to Use This Book

You could, of course, use the print version of this book as a doorstop or to squish a bug—the aqueous coating on the cover will enable the guts to be easily wiped off if you don’t leave them sitting too long. It’s just thick enough that, should one of the casters fall off your office chair, this book could keep your chair perfectly balanced until it’s fixed. If you find yourself trapped in the woods during the winter, there are plenty of pages herein to burn or to crinkle up and use as insulation inside your clothes.

Candidly, I prefer you read the book and use it to help you begin or expand your epublishing efforts. With that in mind, what follows is an explanation of the special way I’ve handled URLs in the book, a note about the lesson files, and a reminder that there’s much more content available than what is directly between the bug-squishing covers of this individual printed book volume.

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