Web Automation part2

Some say necessity is the mother of invention. Nonsense. I think laziness is the mother of invention. Our ancestors invented things too, didn’t they? Mankind develops new technologies quickly, all to make our lives simpler and more comfortable. Simple is just another word for easy, however, so you could argue we made such great progress because
we didn’t want to do quite so much work.
Amazing thought, isn’t it? The world absolutely condemns lazy behavior, but deep down we are all engaged with it. We
have dishwashers so we don’t need to manually wash dishes, and robot vaccums so we don’t need to push a vac-cum.
So why not let tasks you have to do on web be done by the web itself? Welcome you to the world of web automation,
where we have started to control the web in our own way.
Imagine these situations: 
1.You have multiple social accounts and it is becoming difficult to share data between accounts,
not to mention contacts. They are scattered everywhere (email, social media, phone).
2.You are spending lots of time organizing and filtering thousands of messages in email.
3.You are spending lots of time doing backups and saving them to a cloud storage service. 
It may be daunting to some of you to perform these tasks, and some may not realize there is any other option available. However, it is possible to automate these tasks and it’s up to your judgment to decide whether automation is a good or bad thing for you. Later on, as you become adjusted to automating, you may realize that it is saving you time and increasing your productivity.
This manual is created for readers like you, who spend much of their quality time digitally and would like to manage daily tasks effectively. I, the author, do not have any affiliation or financial commitment to any of the tools or services discussed in this manual.
Thoughout the manual I will teach you how I use automation tools in order to improve my life. Don’t feel like you need
to follow them to-the-letter; instead, think of them as ideas you can use as you search for your own solution.

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