Mastering Wireless Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments

Mastering Wireless Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments

Wireless technology has become increasingly popular as it allows you to easily

access the Internet from all sorts of locations around the world without requiring

a network cable. But a wireless network isn't always secure if you don't understand

its dangers, and especially if precautions are not taken. It is important to secure

your wireless network for your own protection. Instances of identity and personal

information theft has risen in the last several years.

Even though it is easier to set up and connect to an unsecure wireless network, it is

no longer safe as there is a greater risk of your personal data being stolen. It can be

easily intercepted by another user with little to no experience. An unsecured wireless

network is also another way for a user to monitor your online activity, such as your

web surfing habits, chats, e-mail, and even your online banking account. While this book provides methods to protect wireless networks, it focuses heavily on how an attacker can break into a secured wireless network. It also demonstrates what an attacker can do once they have access to a wireless network.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Preparing for an Effective Wireless Penetration Test , gives a brief  introduction to wireless penetration testing, Kali Linux, and wireless cards.

Chapter 2, Wireless Security Testing, shows you the steps to take during a  wireless penetration test. It also explains examples of wireless attacking  techniques and methods.

Chapter 3, Footprinting and Reconnaissance, explains two different types of wireless scanning and how they are used: sniffing wireless networks for rogue access points and logging usernames and passwords.Preface[2 ]

Chapter 4, Penetrating Wireless Networks, explains how to plan an attack, crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 wireless networks, and perform MAC spoofing to gain unauthorized

access to the wireless network. You will also learn how to protect yourself from

these threats.

Chapter 5, Gaining Access to the Network, discusses how to access an unauthorized network, run an assessment on the network to identify hosts, determine the network size, and detect vulnerable hosts.

Chapter 6, Vulnerability Assessment,  performs a vulnerability assessment on the  network to determine potential threats on it.

Chapter 7, Client-side Attacks, shows how a hacker can attack systems and other  devices on the network. You will also learn how to protect yourself from

these attacks.

Chapter 8, Data Capture and Exploitation, explains how to capture sensitive information on unencrypted traffic and how man-in-the-middle attacks work.

Chapter 9, Post-Exploitation, explains how to pivot into the local network to

access other hosts and networks, document their work, and clean up.

Chapter 10, Reporting, explains how to provide a report that contains detailed

information on vulnerabilities during the wireless penetration test. The summarized

report will provide documentation of the test and how to resolve the potential threats.

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